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Faculty Accolades

The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas has awarded UH $2 million to recruit cancer researcher Rohith Reddy, who focuses on next-generation technologies for detecting gynecological cancers. Reddy, currently a post-…
Cullen College Recruits Leading Researcher In Gynecological Cancers
David Mayerich, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the UH Cullen College, is part of a national group receiving funds from the National Institutes of Health to study breast cancer. The group will…
NIH Grant to Study Breast Cancer
Xiaonan Shan, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, received the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). The award will help fund Shan’s research into…
ECE Professor Receives Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award
If there were Academy Awards in the field of electrochemical material science, Stanko Brankovic, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Cullen College and past chair of the materials science division of…
Stanko Brankovic Wins Top Award in Field of Chemical Engineering
Whether you’ve suffered through a major Houston hurricane, flood event or momentary glitch in the power grid, no doubt you understand the severity of a power blackout. And lest you think Houston has cornered the market on such…
Taking The Reins of Power (Over Power) Wins Best Paper Award for Cullen College Team
Excellence in engineering took center stage as Joseph W. Tedesco, Elizabeth D. Rockwell Dean of the Cullen College, recognized the outstanding performances of faculty, staff and students in teaching, research and service at the…
The Best of Our Brightest: Outstanding Service Awards Given in Cullen College
The similarities between engineering pioneers Elon Musk and Nikola Tesla, who Musk named his electric car after, are being debated on the national stage. U.S. News & World Report offers that Tesla went broke pushing his…
Tesla Vs. Musk: Cullen College’s Faghih Weighs In
If there’s one thing Yan Yao gets a charge out of, it’s the idea of creating a better battery. The Cullen College assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering is known for being the most current in the battery…
Yan Yao Amps Up His Game: Becomes a Scialog Fellow
Each spring the University of Houston shines a spotlight on the faculty’s best and brightest, honoring them with teaching and research awards. Read more about the Cullen College of Engineering professors who earned the…
UH Honors Cullen College Professors for Excellence in Teaching and Research
The National Science Foundation has awarded Cullen College’s Miao Pan, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering and Zhu Han, professor of electrical and computer engineering, $300,000 to speed up the way your…
UH Engineers Receive NSF Grant to Improve the ‘Internet of Things’
In honoring scientists who support U.S. troops, the National Science Foundation (NSF) shined a light on UH Cullen College engineer Jose Contreras-Vidal for his work improving prosthetics with brain-computer interfaces. "Our…
National Science Foundation Honors Scientists, like Jose Luis Contreras-Vidal, who Support Troops
When Aaron Becker, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Cullen College, took seven engineering students to the UH Charter elementary school to play with robots, he wasn’t just opening young minds – he…
Becker’s Robots and Students Visit Charter School
Zhu Han, professor of electrical and computer engineering at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, along with colleagues Mingyi Hong of Iowa State University and Dan Wang of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, have published the…
ECE Professor Publishes First Comprehensive Book on Using Signal Processing for Big Data Applications
The Houston Chronicle tapped into the engineering expertise in the UH Cullen College of Engineering to learn whether Super Bowl LI fans will be able to Tweet, Facebook and Snapchat their experiences at Feb. 5 game at NRG Stadium…
Houston Chronicle Taps UH Engineering Expertise on Wireless Technology Upgrades for Super Bowl LI
That exciting feeling you get when you've made a breakthrough discovery and you know that something that seemed impossible yesterday is now completely clear – that's the feeling that Stanko Brankovic, professor of electrical and…
For Stanko Brankovic, Life is Speeding Up
In an innovative collaboration between scientists and artists, “Your Brain on Art” is a series of studies that seek to understand what happens in the brain as people create and contemplate art. To explore this mystery, Jose ‘Pepe…
VIDEO: UH Engineering Study Opens Doors to Understanding the Creative Brain ‘in Action and in Context’
Badri Roysam, professor and chair at the Cullen College of Engineering’s Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at the University of Houston served as a judge the 2016 Siemens Competition in Math, Science, &…
ECE Chair Judges Top STEM Competition for K-12 Students
In 2010 graphene took center stage when the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to two scientists in the UK "for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene." At the UH Cullen College of Engineering…
Rotating and Aligning Graphene Flakes – A UH Engineer's Discovery Opens Doors to Progress
An invention by a University of Houston engineer that turns your smartphone into a microscope, allowing it to detect whether your pond water is healthy, is getting attention in the media. Houston’s CBS affiliate, KHOU-TV Channel…
The Media Comes Calling: Excitement Over Invention That Turns Smartphone into a Microscope
The same technology that powers MRI scanners to see inside your body may soon be used to deliver targeted treatments for a variety of diseases and conditions. Electrical and computer engineering Assistant Professor Aaron Becker’s…
Targeted Treatment Possible with UH Engineer’s Discovery