Seminar by Kevin Kelly at Rice University
Center for Integrated Bio and Nano Systems
Houston Chapter of IEEE Nanotechnology Council and Houston Chapter of IEEE Magnetics Society
Special American Physics Society (APS) student membership drive: come and have free pizza and trophies, fill out application forms and get first year APS memberships free
Friday, September 4, 2015
12:30 p.m. (Refreshments served at 12:00 pm)
Room: W122 Eng. Bldg. 2
Abstract: In this talk I will stress both mathematical and optical issues associated with implementing compressive imaging including examples of infrared and hyperspectral microscopy, compressive video, and high-speed detection. I will motivate this work by briefly discussing our lab’s scanning tunneling microscopy research and the role of novel instrumentation and image analysis in obtaining electronic, chemical, and physical nanomaterial information. An example of compressive optical microscopy will highlight its effectiveness in analyzing plasmon resonances of gold nanobelts via dark-field imaging. I will also discuss the collaborative work with Prof. Baldelli in compressive sum-frequency generation microscopy. Recent breakthroughs in compressive video acquisition and reconstruction that make this strategy truly everyday will also be presented. Lastly, I will touch upon the machine vision capability of compressive measurements to sense and rapidly recognize objects.
Bio of Dr. Kelly: Kevin Kelly is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and chair of the Applied Physics Program at Rice. He received a B.S. in engineering physics from Colorado School of Mines in 1993 and a Ph.D. in applied physics from Prof. Halas at Rice in 1999. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Materials Research in Sendai, Japan in the lab of Prof. Sakurai and continued his postdoctoral research in the lab of Prof. Weiss in the chemistry department at Penn State University. His lab’s tunneling microscopy research includes characterization of molecular machines, conducting polymers, graphene, and topological insulators. Their compressive imaging work was selected as one of the top ten emerging technologies by Technology Review Magazine.
Contact Prof. Jiming Bao (jbao [at] (jbao[at]uh[dot]edu)) if you would like to arrange for a time to meet with Dr. Kelly.