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UH Researchers Generate a Liquid Stream with a Pulsed Laser Researchers at the University of Houston were studying the nonlinear transmission of light through an aqueous suspension of gold nanoparticles when they noticed…
Unexpected Discovery Leads to New Theory of Liquid Streaming
Two professors at the UH Cullen College of Engineering have discovered that size is critical to the performance of the monolayers of catalysts, the fundamental substance that speeds up reactions in all industries from…
Engineering Professors Discover Fundamental Effect in Monolayer Catalysts
Throughout the Cullen College of Engineering new faces and brilliant minds are joining the faculty in the 2017-2018 school year. The Cullen College proudly welcomes them to its ranks of excellence in academia. Chemical &…
Brilliance Descending on UH as New Engineering Faculty Join the Cullen College
The University of Houston MD Anderson Library is providing a guide to help navigate through the resources available in the wake of Hurricane Harvey and its devastating aftermath. The guide includes the most trustworthy and…
Hurricane Harvey Resource Guide
Nanostructured Cathode, Understanding of New Electrolyte Lead to Greater Efficiency Magnesium batteries offer promise for safely powering modern life – unlike traditional lithium ion batteries, they are not flammable or subject…
Researchers Report Breakthrough in Magnesium Batteries
Researchers Demonstrate Non-Invasive Method Can Help People Re-Learn to Walk Researchers from the University of Houston have shown for the first time that the use of a brain-computer interface augmented with a virtual walking…
Use of Brain-Computer Interface & Virtual Avatar Offers New Hope to Patients with Gait Disabilities
The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas has awarded UH $2 million to recruit cancer researcher Rohith Reddy, who focuses on next-generation technologies for detecting gynecological cancers. Reddy, currently a post-…
Cullen College Recruits Leading Researcher In Gynecological Cancers
Clean energy research in the UH Cullen College of Engineering was the subject of a front page story in last Sunday's Houston Chronicle, which explores why the city of Houston is failing to draw new tech ventures for a world…
Is Houston Missing the Next Energy Wave? Houston Chronicle Features the UH Engineers Who Are On the Case
There are many ways to describe electrical and computer engineering Professor Kaushik Rajashekara, who heads the Cullen College power and energy systems program and is director of the Power Electronics, Microgrids and Subsea…
The Man Who Helped Plug in Commercial Electric Cars is Plugging Away at the UH Power Program
The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has announced its distinguished speakers for the 2017-2018 Rockwell Lecture Series, which brings world-renowned engineers and scientists to the UH campus each year to…
UH Engineering Announces Speakers for 2017-18 Rockwell Lecture Series
A UH engineer and Rice University chemist have discovered a single catalyst that can split water into hydrogen and oxygen, producing clean energy. The electrolytic film – a three-layer structure of nickel, graphene and a compound…
Discovery of Water Splitting Catalyst Could Spell the Future of Clean Energy
The Building Reliable Advancements in Neurotechnology (BRAIN) Center, an Industry–University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) dedicated to bringing new neurotechnologies and treatments to market, held its first industry…
Meeting of the Minds: BRAIN Center Hosts Inaugural Meeting to Brainstorm Future of Neurotechnologies
More than 500 guests honored the memory and legacy of dedicated UH alumnus and long-time supporter William A. Brookshire at a memorial service held in his honor this summer. The Brookshire Memorial Service was held at the UH…
College Holds Memorial for Dedicated Alumnus and Supporter William A. Brookshire
In a continued effort to promote international collaboration in engineering research and academics, the UH Cullen College of Engineering has entered into an articulation agreement with Delhi Technological University in New Delhi…
UH Engineering Signs Articulation Agreement With Delhi Technological University
David Mayerich, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the UH Cullen College, is part of a national group receiving funds from the National Institutes of Health to study breast cancer. The group will…
NIH Grant to Study Breast Cancer
If there were Academy Awards in the field of electrochemical material science, Stanko Brankovic, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Cullen College and past chair of the materials science division of…
Stanko Brankovic Wins Top Award in Field of Chemical Engineering
Xiaonan Shan, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, received the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). The award will help fund Shan’s research into…
ECE Professor Receives Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award
Whether you’ve suffered through a major Houston hurricane, flood event or momentary glitch in the power grid, no doubt you understand the severity of a power blackout. And lest you think Houston has cornered the market on such…
Taking The Reins of Power (Over Power) Wins Best Paper Award for Cullen College Team
Modern batteries power everything from cars to cell phones, but they are far from perfect – they catch fire, they perform poorly in cold weather and they have relatively short lifecycles, among other issues. Now researchers from…
Inexpensive Organic Material Gives Safe Batteries a Longer Life
The Gulf Coast has been spared a major hurricane in the past few years, but as most Houstonians know all-too-well, the wrath of Mother Nature is never far away. That’s why Cumaraswamy “Vipu” Vipulanandan, director of the Texas…
UH Engineer to Host Conference on Hurricane and Disaster Preparation and Recovery