
Nanolithography, Nanofabrication, Diagnostic devices, Engineered nanoparticles, Beam-activated surfaces
S. Moungthai, N. Mahadevapuram, P. Ruchhoeft and G. E. Stein, "Direct Patterning of Conductive Polymer Domains for Photovoltaic Devices," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2012).
J. Litvinov, A. Nasrullah, T. Sherlock, Y-J. Wang, P. Ruchhoeft, and R. C. Willson, "High-Throughput Top-Down Fabrication of Uniform Magnetic Particles," PLoS ONE 7(5), e37440 (2012).
T. Sherlock, A. Nasrullah, J. Litvinov, E. Cacao, J. Knoop, S. Kemper, K. Kourentzi, A. Kar, P. Ruchhoeft, and R. C. Willson, "Suspended, micron-scale corner cube retroreflectors as ultra-bright optical labels," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 29(6), 06FA01-06FA01 (2011).
S. N. Ivers, S. A. Baranov, T. Sherlock, K. Kourentzi, P. Ruchhoeft, R. C. Willson, and K. V. Larin, "Depth-resolved imaging and detection of micro-retroreflectors within biological tissue using Optical Coherence Tomography," Biomedical Optics Express, 1(2), 367-377 (2010).
D. T. Smith, L. Chang, J. O. Rantschler, V. Kalatsky, P. Ruchhoeft, S. Khizroev, and D. Litvinov, "Size Distribution and Anisotropy Effects on the Switching Field Distribution of Co/Pd Multilayered Nanostructure Arrays," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45(10), 3554-3557 (2009).
A. Nasrullah, D. Smith, T. Sherlock, P. Ruchhoeft, and D. Litvinov, "Near neighbor averaging: a technique for improving image uniformity in aperture array lithography," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 27(6), 2674-2678 (2009).
L. Xu, A. Nasrullah, Z. Chen, M. Jain, P. Ruchhoeft, D. J. Economou, and V. M. Donnelly, "Etching of nanopatterns in silicon using nanopantography," Applied Physics Letters 92, 013124 (2008).
D. Litvinov, V. Parekh, C. E, D. Smith, J. Rantschler, P. Ruchhoeft, D. Weller, and S. Khizroev, "Nanoscale bit-patterned media for next generation data storage systems," Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 3(2), 93-112 (2008).
D. Litvinov, V. Parekh, C. E, D. Smith, J. Rantschler, P. Ruchhoeft, D. Weller, and S. Khizroev, "Recording physics, design considerations, and fabrication of nanoscale bit-patterned media," IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 7(4), 463-476 (2008).
C. E, V. Parekh, P. Ruchhoeft, S. Khizroev, and D. Litvinov, "Magnetization reversal in patterned, (Co/Pd)(n) multilayers," Journal of Applied Physics, 103(6), 063904 (2008).
V. A. Parekh, A. Ruiz, P. Ruchhoeft, S. Brankovic, and D. Litvinov, "Close-packed noncircular nanodevice pattern generation by self-limiting ion-mill process," Nano Letters, 7(10), 3246-3248, (2007).
D. Litvinov, Ch. E, V. Parekh, D. Smith, J. Rantschler, S. Zhang, W. Donner, T. R. Lee, P. Ruchhoeft, D. Weller, and S. Khizroev, "Design and fabrication of high anisotropy nanoscale bit-patterned magnetic recording medium for data storage applications (invited)," The Electrochemical Society, 3(25) 249-258 (2007).
V. Parekh, C. E, D. Smith, A. Ruiz, J. C. Wolfe, P. Ruchhoeft, E. Svedberg, S. Khizroev and D. Litvinov, "Fabrication of a high anisotropy nanoscale patterned magnetic recording medium for data storage applications," Nanotechnology 17, 2079-2082 (2006).
R. Qiang, J. Chen, T. Zhao, K. Han, A. Ruiz, P. Ruchhoeft, and M. Morgan, "Effects of manufacturing artifacts on infrared filter performance," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 48(9), 1749-1754, (2006).
V. Zomorrodian, B. Craver, G. Radhakrishnan, M. Patel, E. J. Charlson, P. Ruchhoeft, and J. C. Wolfe, "Threshold voltage adjustment on spherical, single-crystal silicon substrates by focused ion beam implantation," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 24(6), 3221-3226 (2006).
V. Parekh, A. Ruiz, P. Ruchhoeft, H. Nounu, D. Litvinov, and J. C. Wolfe, "Estimation of scattered particle exposure in ion beam aperture array lithography," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 24(6), 2915-2919 (2006).
K. Han, W. Xu, A. Ruiz, P. Ruchhoeft, and S. Chellam, "Fabrication and characterization of polymeric microfiltration membranes using aperture array lithography," Journal of Membrane Science, Vol 249, Issues 1-2, pages 193-206 (2005).
S. Wang, J. Chen, and P. Ruchhoeft, "An ADI-FDTD method for periodic structures," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 53(7), 2343-2346 (2005).
R. Qiang, J. Chen, T. Zhao, S. Wang, P. Ruchhoeft, and M. Morgan, "Modeling of infrared bandpass filters using a three-dimensional FDTD method," Electronics Letters, 41(16), 914-915 (2005).
L. Xu, D. J. Economou, V. M. Donnelly, and P. Ruchhoeft, "Extraction of a nearly monoenergetic ion beam using a pulsed plasma," Applied Physics Letters 87, 041502 (2005).
K. Han, M. Morgan, A. Ruiz, V. S. Charan, and P. Ruchhoeft, "Rapid prototyping of infrared bandpass filters using aperture array lithography," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 23(6), 3158-3163 (2005).
L. Xu, S. C. Vemula, M. Jain, S. Ki Nam, V. M. Donnelly, D. J. Economou, and P. Ruchhoeft, "Nanopantography: a new method for massively parallel nanopatterning over large areas," Nano Letters 5(12), 2563-2568 (2005).