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Harry Le
Dr. Hung “Harry” Le, IEEE Life Senior Member, Senior Member National Academy of Inventors
Instructional Associate Professor
Office Location N313 Engineering Building 1
Phone 713-743-6166
Fax 713-743-4144
Email hqle5 [at]
M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Alberta
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Houston
Professional Experience
University of Houston, 8/2005-5/2008, Adjunct Assistant Professor
30+ years of involving with research and development in the computer, telecom and oil/gas industries
Instructional Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston, 2017 – Present
Research Interests

Embedded Systems, IoT, Reconfigurable Systems, ASIC/FPGA Design and Verification, Memory Controllers, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Selected Publications

M. Herbordt, J. Ge, S. Sanikop, K. Olin, H. Le, “Design Trade-Offs of Low-Cost Multicomputer Network Switches,” Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, February 21-25, 1999, pp. 25-34.

H. Le, M. Zaheeruddin, V. Gourishankar, R. Rink, “Near-Optimal Control of a Bilinear, Solar-Assisted Heat Pump System,” Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, November 1987, Vol. 109, pp. 259-266.

R.E. Rink and H.Q. Le, “Multivariable Feedback Control of Bilinear Processes in HVAC Systems,” Proceedings of the 24th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, June 29-30, 1981, pp. 777-781. 

R.E. Rink and H.Q. Le, “A Study of Improved Control Strategies for Bilinear HeatTransfer Processes in a SolarAssisted Heat Pump System,” Final Report, prepared for the Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Government of Alberta, October 15, 1982.

Patent/Patent Applications
H. Le, D. Delise, M. Melo, ³Flash ROM Sharing between Processor and Microcontroller during Booting and Handling Warm-booting Events,² Patent number 5819087, granted October 6, 1998.
H. Le and S. Olarig, ³Programmable Memory Device that Supports Multiple Operational Modes,² Patent number 5867444, granted February 2, 1999.
D. Heinrich and H. Le, “Apparatus and Method for Maintaining Secured Access to Relocated Plug and Play Peripheral Devices,” Patent number 6542995, granted April 1, 2003.
H. Le and D. Delise “Flash ROM Sharing between a Processor and a Controller,” Patent number 5794054, granted August 11, 1998.
D. Heinrich, H. Le, P. Rawlins, C. Stancil, “Apparatus and Method for Maintaining Secured Access to a device coupled upon a two-wired bidirectional bus,” Patent number 6510522, granted January 21, 2003.
H. Le, P. Cooper, “Programming Memory Devices through the Parallel Port of a Computer System,” Patent number 5729683, granted March 17, 1998.
D. Heinrich, H. Le, P. Rawlins, C. Stancil, “Apparatus and Method for Programmably and Flexibly Assigning Passwords to Unlock Devices of a Computer System Intended to Remain Secure,” Patent number 6460139, granted October 1, 2002.
M. Angelo, D. Heinrich, H. Le, R. Waldorf, “Computer Access via a Single-use Password,” Patent number 6370649, granted April 9, 2002.
P. Culley and H. Le, “Circuit and Method Employing Feedback for Driving a Clocking Signal to Compensate for Load-induced Skew,” Patent number 6182236, granted January 30, 2001.
D. Maguire and H. Le, “Serial Bus System for Shadowing Registers,” Patent number 6108729, granted August 20, 2000.
P. Cooper, D. Delise, H. Le, “Computer System and Method for Replacing Obsolete or Corrupt Boot Code Contained Within Reprogrammable Memory with New Boot Code Supplied from an External Source through a Data Port,” Patent number 5805882, granted September 8, 1998.
D. Maguire and H. Le, “Serial Bus System for Shadowing Registers,” Patent number 5748911, granted May 5, 1998.
R. Hess, G. Teagues, P. Cooper, D. Reents, H. Le, “Buffering Digitizer Data in a First-in First-out Memory,” Patent number 5455907, granted October 3 1995.
H. Le and D. Perkins, “Battery Charger,” Patent number 5304916, granted April 19, 1994.
H. Lada, H. Le, J. Garrett, J. Gromala, “Multiple Frequency Phase-locked Loop Clock Generator with Stable Transitions between Frequencies,” Patent number 5142247, granted August 25, 1992.
H. Le, “Dynamically Adaptive Buffer Mechanism,” Patent number 6678813, granted January 13, 2004.
D. Heinrich, H. Le, R. Waldorf, M. Angelo, “Computer Architecture with Passwordchecking Bus Bridge,” Patent number 6199167, granted March 6, 2001.
T. Emerson, H. Le “Memory System Having a First Portion To Store Data with ECC Information And A Second Portion To Store Data Without ECC Information”. Patent Number 87389965 Granted on May 27, 2014.
Le, Hung Q, “Dynamically Adaptive Buffer Mechanism,” Patent number 6678813, granted January 13, 2004.
Hung Q Le, Theodore F. Emerson, David F. Heinrich, Robert L. Noonan, "Storing Data in any of a plurality of buffers in a memory controller" Patent number 9213545, granted December 15, 2015.